Postal Address

PO Box 90349 Bertsham 2013

Rirhandzu Colliery Today

The operation

Rirhandzu Colliery (-later referred to as “Rirhandzu”) is one of Mbuyelo Group (Pty) Ltd.’s coal mining operations. It is situated in the managerial district of Delmas, in the Mpumalanga Province, South Africa.

Rirhandzu started operating in July of 2013, and was mined by Mbuyelo Mining Contractors (Pty) Ltd, which had just successfully completed mining Elandspruit Colliery between August 2011 and June 2013. Rirhandzu’s Life of Mine was estimated at 6 years – 7years including the rehabilitation of the land, with a resource measured at 5.3 million tons.

It clenched a Coal Supply Agreement (“CSA”) with Eskom and effectively supplied coal to Thuthuka and Majuba Power Stations for 5yrs. Rirhandzu provided Eskom with its first coal on the 1st of March 2014 until March 2019 where it mined its last coal. Sizing and blending was achieved through a fixed plant of crushing and screening before selling the coal to Eskom; and grade control was done through an onsite laboratory.

Rirhandzu and the Community

Rirhandzu collaborated with Manungu Colliery (-under Mbuyelo Coal) to build Botleng Clinic for the community of Delmas. Besides this sizeable contribution, the mine gives back to the community of Arbor in the form of donations, bursaries, skills development and training in machinery, building of school class rooms, and drilled boreholes for water supply. In fact, the mine has always strived to achieve a 60% of local mining community employment rate. When looking for skills, Rirhandzu would absorb some of these trainees and bursars from the above-mentioned local community.

Rirhandzu today

At present, 75% of the rehabilitation is done at Rirhandzu Colliery, and the operation is under Care and Maintenance. Discussions are being held over the possibility of expansion to neighbouring resources.