Suppliers Meeting in Delmas
A generous amount of the Delmas community met up with the appropriate Mbuyelo members to discuss ways of placing their businesses on the Mbuyelo Supplier’s database, mostly for the mining operations that Mbuyelo operates on the Delmas area. The mines in question are the Manungu and Rirhandzu Colliery. The meeting was held in a cosy conference room at the Delmas Country Lodge.
After a short welcome from Community Development Manager, Hunadi Sebaka, the Mbuyelo Procurement Team Representative, Shane Moetlo proceeded to brief the audience on the minimum that would be a prerequisite for potential suppliers at any of the Mbuyelo mines. Thereafter, the floor was opened up for questions.
Concerns ranged from the straight-forward “How does one get their company on the Mbuyelo Supplier’s Database?” to the more complex issues of “How do SMME’s tackle competing with the larger and more developed companies?”
The meeting was structured as a brainstorming session between the two parties, and it was based around how the community of Delmas could also gain value from the mine, while the mine itself makes its contribution to the economy of the country.
Attendees included suppliers offering laundry services, cleaning and food supply, diesel suppliers, yellow plant owners, engineering services, construction services, etc. “The company will without a doubt consider the Delmas community first when looking at the Suppliers Database…” highlighted Moetlo, visibly putting minds at ease. “Please make sure you have your basic requirements in place.
These will already give you a better standing and are relatively inexpensive even for an SMME to secure…” he added. Manungu Colliery’s life of mine is estimated at a healthy 30 years and is intended to be mined opencast. Rirhandzu on the other hand is in operation already and has a life estimated at a satisfactory 8 years with 6 939 385 mineable resources in situation.